Delta County Natural History Workshop
The Delta County Non-Motorized Trail (DCNT) organization is pleased to present a workshop on the Ferns and Fern Allies of Delta County. Ferns and Fern Allies, collectively known as Pteridophytes, are ancient life forms, with fossil evidence from over 400 million years ago. Most extant ferns and fern allies have diversified in the last 65 million years; though many have changed very little in the last 200 million years. While the majority of ferns and fern allies occur in tropical and subtropical regions, North American harbors a very diverse pteridophyte flora; with over a 100 species cataloged in Michigan.
Join Glenn Vande Water to observe and learn about the biology and ecology of many of the ferns and fern allies that inhabit uplands and lowlands at the West Side Recreation Area (WSRA). The existing trail system, with over 2000-foot of boardwalk, allows visitors easy access to many habitats. Of course, given the diversity of plants that occur at the WSRA, we certainly will take time to review those that share habitat with the ferns and fern allies
The workshop will take place on July 1st, 2023 from 10:00 am to approximately 1:00pm. Please arrive at least 15-minutes early. We will meet at the WSRA parking lot. From Danforth Rd., go west on 19th Avenue North until you come to the Great Lakes Recreation Club (South side of road across from gun range). Take Ski Hill Rd. south approximately ¼-mile, crossing the railroad tracks and veering left approximately 200 ft. to the parking lot.
Participants should come prepared; long sleeve shirts, long pants, boots or tennis shoes that you don’t mind getting wet, hat, bug dope, water, and field snack or lunch. A good hand lens is highly suggested and cameras are always a plus for documentation. The terrain is generally flat with occasional mucky soils.
RSVP via text or call by June 20 to (906) 399-6267. Limit around 20 participants.
This workshop is free to DCNT members; with suggested donations from non members. The workshop will be held on the 2nd if there is a storm event.
One of the goals of the DCNT is to provide the public with opportunities to further explore and enjoy nature through the maintenance and development of suitable trail systems in Delta County.